Get Involved

How we do work

Ozark Circle for Choice was founded with the idea that many hands make light work. While the original goal was to simply create a collective to provide support and information for folks seeking abortion, we’ve grown into a mutual aid organization with much deeper roots.

Some things you should be aware of:

  • We move at the speed of trust. Given the sensitive nature of the support we provide, it’s important to have relationships with each other to build that trust.

  • We’re a horizontal organization, which means there’s no one person or people in charge. All of our projects are started by someone with interest and all of our decisions are made collectively.

  • We all have other full time jobs alongside other life commitments. OCC is a project that we’re very passionate about, but it’s not the only thing we have going on. It’s a constant balance to make sure we’re taking care of ourselves alongside this work.

This can all mean that it’ll take some time to get new folks into the organization and that’s okay. Persistence and patience goes a long way in this work.

A sketch of two small flowers with their stems entwined.

What’s the best way to get started?

Join our mailing list or follow us on Instagram to get notified about upcoming events like trainings or happy hours. This is a great way to meet our members and figure out where you fit in the group.

If you have a specific service you’d like to offer, reach out through our web form. We’ll do our best to get back to you, but please keep trying if you don’t hear from us!

A sketch of a small stem of flowers